
Auto Repair Mistakes to Avoid

by | Jun 10, 2012 | Repair

Everyone wants to save money these days, especially when it comes to auto repair. However, it’s important to pay attention to where you’re spending your money, and if you are making a mistake in paying for certain repairs.
AutoMD.com recently reported information regarding the ten most expensive auto repair mistakes. You can read the full report here, but below are a few mistakes we feel are worth noting…
Neglecting preventative maintenance and minor repairs.
This is something we can’t stress enough. If you do not handle simple, necessary repairs, such as getting an oil change or changing filters, it could ruin your engine and cause you to spend upwards of $1,000 on a new engine, instead of $30 or $40 on a quick oil change.
Not asking for your parts back.
If a part needs to be replaced, always ask for the old parts back. All NARPRO mechanics will gladly give you your old parts back upon request. Some dishonest repair shops will charge for work that was not done or repairs that were not necessary, but NOT you neighborhood NARPRO auto repair shop.
Ignoring dashboard warning lights.
This is a mistake that could cost thousands of dollars. Pay attention to the lights if they go on because if you don’t, they could prove to be a bigger problem later on. Read you owner’s manual to become familiar with the dashboard lights, so you know what to do if one goes on.
Accepting the first repair shop quote.
Always get a second opinion when it comes to auto repair. NARPRO shops will always provide customers a writtensecond opinion, free of charge.

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