How to Tell Real Online Reviews Apart from “Fake” Reviews

by | Jul 23, 2012 | Auto Shops

NARPRO offers consumers a stellar online review system, which we call our Full Circle Review (FCR) system. Through it, NARPRO shop customers can write and review their experience with their NARPRO shop. Since the FCR system requires every review posted to be confirmed with the shop owner or manager through the customer’s receipt code, there is no doubt that any review posted on the system is a fabrication.

However, it’s important to remember that if you are searching online and come across reviews, to be wary of some of them. Unfortunately, unlike the reviews in our FCR system, a lot of online reviews for products or services, such as auto repair, can be fabricated. Some positive reviews are even posted by people who work for the company that the review is about!

Here’s a few tips to help you distinguish a “fake” or dishonest online review from a real, authentic one…

1) Real reviews have numerous references to space, size and distance. This actually sounds more complicated than it is. If someone has never been to the NARPRO shop that they’re reviewing, they are not going to be able to know how big the waiting room is, for example. An authentic review could say something like “The waiting room was so large and roomy, it felt like I could fit three of my cars in there!” That makes the review way more authentic than simply stating the waiting room was large or small, or not even referencing it’s size at all.

2) Find other sites that confirm these reviews. Google the name of the NARPRO shop you’re searching for with the word “reviews” after it and look for other sites that offer reviews of the shop and it’s services.

3) Beware if reviews offer strong opinions, but weak specifics. More often than not, reviews that have a little bit of detail but a lot of exaggerated adjectives tend to be fake. But even if a review is real and honest, but still has few specifics, it’s best to be wary of it; without specific detail, there’s no way to know whether the reason for the strong opinion is something that’s important or not.

NARPRO helps consumers find independent and honest auto repair and auto body shops near where they live, work and travel. Click here to find and honest auto shop in Phoenix, Tucson or Portland, OR. Image is licensed under Creative Commons.

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