Catalytic Converter Theft on the Rise! Are You Prepared?

by | Aug 18, 2021 | NARPRO

If you notice your car is louder than normal, you may want to check the catalytic converter.  As in, check to make sure it is still there!

Blame it on the recent pandemic, a high unemployment rate, or something else … but we are seeing a rise in catalytic converter theft. Unfortunately for you as a vehicle owner, it only takes a few seconds for a thief to cut off a converter.  Then, they can sell it for big bucks and you’re left with spending big bucks on a replacement.

Fortunately, there ARE some things you can do to prevent catalytic converter theft if you’re simply aware of the problem and follow a few tips. As your local, neighborhood auto repair shops, we want to make sure you are educated about catalytic converter theft, prevention and repairs. We hate to see our customers falling prey to thieves and having to pay for expensive auto repairs!

For more information about what a catalytic converter is, how to know if it has been stolen, prevention tips, and repair advice, check out our blog 5 Important Things to Know About Catalytic Converters. And, as always, if you have any vehicle related question or concern, be sure to contact one of our NARPRO approved shops. We’re in your neighborhood and we’ve got you covered!

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