7 Tips for Driving Safely in the Rain in Phoenix, AZ

by | May 30, 2014 | Maintenance, NARPRO, Safety

While Phoenix, AZ drivers may not experience as much rain as other parts of the country, it does, in fact, still rain here. Driving in wet and rainy conditions is much different from driving on a sunny day, and it’s important that you use extra caution to keep you and your passengers safe!

Whether you have a lot of experience navigating summer showers or a little, make sure that you know and follow these tips for safe driving during rainy weather.

Safe Driving in the Rain in Phoenix and Tempe AZ

7 Tips for Safe Driving in the Rain

1. Be extra careful if it hasn’t rained in a while. The road is the slipperiest right when it starts raining because the rain pulls the dried motor oil and grease on the road to the surface. After it has been raining for a while, this grease gets washed away. The longer it has been since the last rainfall, the more slippery substances will be built up on the road, which can be dangerous when it does rain again.

2. Increase your following distance. Slick roads make it harder to stop or brake suddenly, so make sure there’s plenty of room between your car and the car in front of you.

3. Turn on your headlights. While Arizona law doesn’t require you to have your headlights on when your windshield wipers are on, it does require you to turn them on if visibility is ever less than 1,000 feet. It’s just a good rule of thumb to turn them on when it’s raining to help other drivers see you better.

4. Don’t panic if you start hydroplaning. If a layer of water comes between the road and your tires, your car will lose traction and start to hydroplane. When this happens, DO NOT PANIC! If you panic and slam on the brakes, you run the risk of spinning and losing control of your car. Rather than braking, let off the accelerator and keep your steering wheel straight so once your tires make contact with the pavement again you’ll be able to safely drive out of it.

5. Don’t use cruise control. Using cruise control in the rain is dangerous. If your car starts to hydroplane, your cruise control will automatically speed up, which can cause you to lose control.

6. Stay closer to the middle of the road. When driving in the rain, try to stay as close to the center of the road as possible. Puddles can form on the edges of the road, and you never know how deep these puddles may be. They could be major potholes that damage your automobile.

7. Don’t be afraid to pull over. If you are ever uncomfortable with your visibility or the driving conditions, pull over in a safe area and wait out the storm. It’s always better to be safe rather than sorry when it comes to driving in rainy weather!

Make sure that you and your loved ones are aware of these seven driving tips for the next time you’re struck driving in the rain. It’s also important to have your car prepared for such conditions. Stay up-to-date with your vehicle’s maintenance schedule, including proper tire tread, tire pressure and windshield wiper blades.

If you need help with any of these car maintenance or auto repair services in Phoenix or Tempe, AZ, simply checkout NARPRO.com to find a reputable, local auto repair shop near you! The auto repair and auto body shops that we endorse have been hand selected as the best in the Phoenix area, and have passed 26 tests of quality and integrity, as well as received at least a 90% customer satisfaction rating. Our shops will help keep you and your family in a safe and reliable motor vehicle!

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